Choose one of the following themes:
• Dreams
• Imaginary Worlds
Formal elements (20 marks)
• Use at least 7 art elements to express ideas
o Colour, shape, line, texture, form
o Balance, pattern
Sketchbook (20 marks)
• Prepare 7 pages of a sketchbook to include:
o Development in colour, shape, line, texture, form, and composition
o Exploration and understanding of developing pattern and detail
o Developing visual ideas in relation to the chosen theme
Original artwork (40 marks)
• Express an original real or imagined experience or memory within the chosen theme
• Demonstrate an understanding of imagined or actual objects and places
• Use line, shape, colour, texture, form, and composition to communicate feelings and emotions within the theme
• Use pattern and details to add complexity and depth
• Draw on personal experiences and imagination as source material for final artwork
Video (20 marks)
• Create an original recording of no more than 3 minutes in length
• In the video, the candidate should explain 5 personal ideas related to the chosen theme, process of creation, and/or the final artwork
Attainment Levels
The candidate engages enthusiastically, independently, and highly imaginatively in developing ideas and creating art according to the selected theme
Strong ability is shown in handling a wide range of art tools and media and through well-developed technique
There is full understanding of the meanings of the required art elements, and originality and purpose in applying them in creative ways
Personal expression and engagement, opinion, and understanding of processes are shown in talking about the art
The candidate engages independently and imaginatively in developing ideas and creating art according to the selected theme
Ability is shown in handling a range of art tools and media and through some well-developed technique
There is understanding of the meanings of the required art elements, and originality and purpose in applying them in creative ways
Personal expression and engagement, opinion, and understanding of processes are shown to a certain extent in talking about the art
The candidate engages somewhat independently and imaginatively in developing ideas and creating art according to the selected theme
Ability is shown in handling a limited range of art tools and media and through some well-developed technique
There is understanding of the meanings of the required art elements, and some originality and purpose in applying them in creative ways
Personal expression and engagement, opinion, and understanding of processes are occasionally shown in talking about the art
The candidate does not convincingly engage independently or imaginatively in developing ideas and creating art according to the selected theme
Little ability is shown in handling art tools and various media and through developed technique
There is little understanding of the meanings of the required art elements, and a lack of originality and purpose in applying them in creative ways
Personal expression and engagement, opinion, and understanding of processes are generally not shown in talking about the art